A benchnmark for open-domain complex answering
Answering complex questions is a difficult task that requires knowledge retrieval. To address this, we propose our easy to use and extensible benchmark composing diverse complex QA tasks and provide a toolkit to evaluate zero-shot retrieval capabilities of state-of-the-art dense and sparse retrieval models in an open-domain setting. Additionally, since context-based reasoning is key to complex QA tasks, we extend our toolkit with various LLM engines. Both the above components together allow our users to evaluate the various components in the Retrieval Augmented Generation pipeline. The detailed paper on Dexter can be found here: link to paper
For components in retrieval we draw inspiration from BEIR and reuse some parts of implementation with modification suited to our setup. We thank the authors for open-sourcing their code.
To setup from the source first Clone the repo, then create a conda environment using conda create -n bcqa
and finally install the package by running: pip install -e .
Alternatively you can simply use pip install dexter-cqa
All datasets can be found at Datasets
Dataset Name | Dataset alias | Homepage | Characteristics | #Questions | Corpus Size |
MusiqueQA | musiqueqa (2-hop only) | Link | Connected multi-hop reasoning | 16.8k | 570k |
WikiMultiHopQA | wikimultihopqa | Link | Comparative multi-hop reasoning | 190k | 570k |
StrategyQA | strategyqa | Link | Multi-hop reasoning, Implicit Reasoning | 2.7k | 26.6M |
AmbigQA | ambignq | Link | Ambiguous Questions | 12k | 24.3M |
OTT-QA | ottqa | Link | Table and Text multi-hop reasoning | 2.1k | 6.5M |
TAT-QA | tatqa | Link | Financial Table and Text multi-hop reasoning | 2.9k | 7000 |
FinQA | finqa | Link | Financial Table and Text multi-hop reasoning | 8k | 24.8k |
Note that these are existing datasets that have been extended to an open-domain setting.
We have experimented with the following retrievers.
Name | Paradigm | More |
BM25 | Lexical | Link |
SPLADE | Sparse | Link |
DPR | Dense | Link |
ANCE | Dense | Link |
tas-b | Dense | Link |
MPNet | Dense | Link |
Contriever | Dense | Link |
ColBERTv2 | Late-Interaction | Link |
Retrieving over large corpus collections: Since some of the datasets have corpus collection with large sizes (millions), we also support chunking of corpus when doing retrieval. To avoid storing docs in memory inspired by the issue `’ we maintain a list of top-k docs with scores when computing scores chunkwise using heapq.
If you have a retriever that you use and find to work favourably please let us know.
LLM Models
We use the folowing LLM models in our internal benchmarking:
- OpenAI models
- Mistral
- Llama
Our toolkit is flexible and can support further new generative models. It will be an ongoing effort and we welcome contributions. If you have a LLM that you use and find to work favourably please let us know.
Project Structure
- data
- datastructures: Basic data classes for question, answer and others needed in the pipeline.
- dataloaders: Loaders that take raw json/zip file data and convert them to the format needed in the pipeline
- retriever: Retrievers that take the data loaders and perform retrieval to produce results.
- dense : dense retrievers like ColBERTv2,ANCE, Contriever, MpNet, DPR and Tas-B
- lexical: lexical retrievers like BM25
- sparse: Sparse retrievers like SPLADE
- llms: LLM engine orchestrator and implementation for inference using LLama2, Mistral, OpenAI models and Flan-T5 ( more models to come soon.)
- config: Configuration files with constants and initialization.
- tests: test cases for the above components
- utils: utilities needed in the pipeline like retrieval accuracy calculation and matching.
Running Evaluation
Below is an example script demonstrating how to load a dataset from our benchmark (ambignq here), feed it into one of our retrievers(ANCE here), and evaluate the retrieval quality against the relevance labels provided by the dataset.
from dexter.config.constants import Split
from import RetrieverDataset
from dexter.retriever.dense.ANCE import ANCE
from dexter.utils.metrics.SimilarityMatch import CosineSimilarity
from dexter.utils.metrics.retrieval.RetrievalMetrics import RetrievalMetrics
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Ensure in config.ini the path to the raw data files are linked under [Data-Path]
# ambignq = '<path to the data file>
# ambignq-corpus = '<path to the corpus file>'
# You can set the split to one of Split.DEV, Split.TEST or Split.TRAIN
# Setting tokenizer=None only loads only the raw data processed into our standard data classes, if tokenizer is set, the data is also tokenized and stored in the loader.
loader = RetrieverDataset("ambignq","ambignq-corpus",
"config.ini", Split.DEV,tokenizer=None)
# Initialize your retriever configuration
config_instance = DenseHyperParams(query_encoder_path="facebook/contriever",
# From data loader loads list of queries, corpus and relevance labels.
queries, qrels, corpus = loader.qrels()
#Perform Retrieval
contrvr_search = Contriever(config_instance)
similarity_measure = CosineSimilarity()
response = contrvr_search.retrieve(corpus,queries,100,similarity_measure,chunk=True,chunksize=400000)
#Evaluate retrieval metrics
metrics = RetrievalMetrics(k_values=[1,10,100])
Running Evaluation for Results in Paper
All evaluation scripts dataset wise can be found in the evaluation folder
Example TAT-QA ( When building from source)
curl -o
In evaluation/config.ini configure the corresponding paths to downloaded files configure project root directory to PYTHONPATH variable
export PYTHONPATH=/path
export OPENAI_KEY=<your openai key>
export huggingface_token = <your huggingface token to access llama2 >
If you are using Elasticsearch (ES) installation >8 please export the following values based on your ES setup
export ca_certs = <path to http_ca.crt path in your ES installation>
export http_auth = <your elasticsearch password>
To reproduce dpr results run
python3 evaluation/tatqa/
To reproduce colbert results run
python3 evaluation/tatqa/
Similarly other retrievers can be also run using other scripts in the folder
To reproduce our LLM results
export OPENAI_KEY="<you key here>"
To run openAI model using colbert docs, run:
python3 evaluation/tatqa/llms/
The above experiment would help get numbers for FEW-SHOT-COT for gpt-3.5-turbo which can be checked with Table 3.
Building your own custom dataset
You can quickly build your own dataset in three steps:
1) Loading the question, answer and evidence records
The base data loader by default takes a json file of the format
Each of the train, test and val splits should under their own json files named under your dir
- /dir_path/train.json
- /dir_path/test.json
- /dir_path/validation.json
If you want to create your custom loader: Within the directory data/dataloaders, Create your Dataloader by extending from BaseDataLoader
class MyDataLoader(BaseDataLoader):
def load_raw_dataset(self,split):
dataset = self.load_json(split)
records = '''your code to transform the elements in json to List[Sample(idx:str,question:Question,answer:Answer,evidence:Evidence)]'''
# If needed you can also extend from Question,Answer and Evidence dataclasses to form your own types
self.raw_data = records
def load_tokenized(self):
''' If required overwrite this function to build custom tkenization method of your dataset '''
Under config.ini:
my-dataset = 'dir_path'
2) Loading the corpus To load your own corpus you can provide a json file of the standard format:
Under config.ini add:
my-dataset-corpus = '< path to the json file of above format >'
3) Add your dataset alias to constants
Within config.constants:
class Dataset:
AMBIGQA = "ambignq"
WIKIMULTIHOPQA = "wikimultihopqa"
MY_DATASET = "my-dataset"
and within data/loader/
def create_dataloader(
if Dataset.AMBIGQA in dataloader_name:
loader = AmbigQADataLoader
elif Dataset.FINQA in dataloader_name:
loader = FinQADataLoader
elif Dataset.MY_DATASET in dataloader_name:
loader = MyDataLoader
Your dataset is now ready to be loaded and used.
a) You can load the dataloader as:
loader_factory = DataLoaderFactory()
loader = loader_factory.create_dataloader("my-dataset", config_path="config.ini", split=Split.DEV, batch_size=10)
b) You can load the corpus as:
loader = PassageDataLoader(dataset="my-dataset-corpus",subset_ids=None,config_path="config.ini",tokenizer=None)
c) You can load RetrieverDataset as:
loader = RetrieverDataset("my-dataset","my-dataset-corpus",
"config.ini", Split.DEV,tokenizer=None)
Building your own retrievers
To build your own retriever you can extend from the class bcqa/retriever/ and use it in your evaluation script.
Citing & Authors
This work is done with Venktesh Vishwanath and Deepali Prabhu.
For citing please use the following bibtex
title={DEXTER: A Benchmark for open-domain Complex Question Answering using LLMs},
author={Venktesh V. and Deepali Prabhu and Avishek Anand},