Explainable Information Retrieval

Resources for the tutorial on Explainable IR as presented in SIGIR 2023, and FIRE 2023

This tutorial presents explainable information retrieval (ExIR), an emerging area focused on fostering responsible and trustworthy deployment of machine learning systems in the context of information retrieval. As the field has rapidly evolved in the past 4-5 years, numerous approaches have been proposed that focus on different access modes, stakeholders, and model development stages. This tutorial aims to introduce IR-centric notions, classification, and evaluation styles in ExIR, while focusing on IR-specific tasks such as ranking, text classification, and learning-to-rank systems. We will delve into method families and their adaptations to IR, extensively covering post-hoc methods, axiomatic and probing approaches, and recent advances in interpretability-by-design approaches. We will also discuss ExIR applications for different stakeholders, such as researchers, practitioners, and end-users, in contexts like web search, patent and legal search, and high-stakes decision-making tasks. To facilitate practical understanding, we will provide a hands-on session on applying ExIR methods, reducing the entry barrier for students, researchers, and practitioners alike. For a more detailed overview of the field refer to this survey on explainable information retrieval.

This half-day tutorial is divided into two parts of 90 minutes each – In the first part we explore the notions of explainable IR, probing neural models and explainable-by-design approaches. In the second half, we delve deeper into axiomatic IR and its connection to interpretability and some of the popular posthoc approaches.


  1. Notions of Explainable IR by Avishek Anand.
  2. Intrinsic Methods for ExIR and Probing by Avishek Anand.
  3. Posthoc approaches in ExIR by Procheta Sen.
  4. Axiomatic IR for Interpretability by Sourav Saha.
  5. Outlook and Conclusion by Avishek Anand.


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Citing & Authors

For citing please use the following bibtex

  author       = {Avishek Anand and
                  Lijun Lyu and
                  Maximilian Idahl and
                  Yumeng Wang and
                  Jonas Wallat and
                  Zijian Zhang},
  title        = {Explainable Information Retrieval: {A} Survey},
  journal      = {arxiv},
  volume       = {abs/2211.02405},
  year         = {2022},
  pdf       = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.02405},